Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Holiday in Hawai


 We were learning about how to be cybersmart online and how to me good oline to not go on the wrong website 

i found it esey to writing the things that i done in the Hawai holiday 

i really enjoyed doing the post card sticker next time i could put more effert in my postcard notes

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Bird habbitat


 We have been learning about What we could do to get birds to come in our school and differant kind of bird habbitat's and there threats.

 The digital learning object we done was creating a goggle drawings of bird houses and things aronud it so no cats possums or other things don't get up to the bird house and we done it because so we could learn abit more things about things birds do not like.

 I really enjoyed this learning because we got to learn about birds and things birds don't like. 

 Next time i could add things what cats or possums do not like.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Fact's About Bird's


 We have been learning about diffeant kind of birds. 

 The digital learning object we created this slide with facts of birds because we were learning about differant kind of bird that can fly and can not fly and some tall birds and short birds. 

 I Really enjoyed this learning because we got to pollyline a picture and we got to write facts about all the diffent kinds of birds around the world and birds that fly to New Zealand or other places from far away. 

 Next time i could put more facts about birds in and pollyline a better picture.