Tuesday, September 24, 2019


 We were learning about how to do animation

I found it easy to do the polyline and make the rockit ship go up and crash

 I found it hard to finsh the story and make it move

 I really enjoyed doing the animation and making the poly line over the rockit ship

 Next time I need to work on doing more things with my buddys and making more excited stuff in it


  1. Hi aria I liked your animation!
    my favorite part was when it turned into a monster thing!
    great job
    From Rebekah

  2. Hi Aria, my name is Estella and I am a student at mangapapa school. I really liked your animation. It was very creative and fun to watch. My favourite part was when the spaceship landed and turned into a big alien monster. We did a group animation and we had to make a spaceship as well but it was travelling through tokyo.
    Great work!


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